UC IL Development | UI | UX Problem / Challenge $ This platform was developed in ASP.NET for managing financial credits, ranging from quotations to the export of invoice templates, including user management with different roles, content management, account status...
White Ibiza

White Ibiza

White Ibiza Development | UI | UX Problem / Challenge $ Integrating 4 existing solutions in order to offer a clean and neat experience was the main challenge of this project. It was not necessary to generate multiple user accounts as an access point. Ui |...


Gentera UI | UX Problem / Challenge $ The main challenge of this project was to create a depth overview in a comprehensive ​​and complete information design piece. This is what we achieve with this Online annual report 2020. Ui | Programmation More... Social Media...
M+A+P Museógrafos

M+A+P Museógrafos

M+A+P Museógrafos Branding | UI | UX Problem / Challenge $ For this project, we built a brand manual and applications. The projects on the website were classified and all the photo stock was retouched and optimized. We also implemented web analytics to monitor the...
Seguros Monterrey New York Life

Seguros Monterrey New York Life

Seguros Monterrey New York Life UI | UX Problem / Challenge $ The main challenge of this project was to create a depth overview in a comprehensive ​​and complete information design piece. This is what we achieve with this Online annual report 2018. Ui | Programmation...